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How to Stop Teeth Grinding in Children | Joby Hurst, DMD

How to Stop Teeth Grinding in Children

October 06, 20219 min read

Have you ever noticed your child grinding or clenching their teeth during the day or night? This seemingly small behavior is more common than many parents realize and can be a source of concern. Bruxism, the medical term for teeth grinding, is a condition that affects people of all ages, but it seems to be particularly prevalent among children. According to research from Kids Health, approximately three out of ten children engage in this behavior, either grinding or clenching their teeth.

At first glance, bruxism might not appear to be a serious issue—after all, many children grow out of it as they age, particularly as they begin to lose their baby teeth. But for those in the thick of it, bruxism can be more than just a quirky habit. The repetitive grinding can lead to a range of issues, from headaches and jaw pain to disrupted sleep patterns and even wear on the teeth. For some children, this condition persists into adolescence and, in rarer cases, adulthood, where it can continue to impact their oral health and overall well-being.

As a parent, it's natural to wonder what causes this behavior and what, if anything, should be done about it. Is your child stressed? Are there underlying health issues? Or is it simply a phase that will pass with time? While bruxism is often self-limiting, understanding the triggers and potential consequences can help you make informed decisions about your child’s health. By addressing the issue early on, you can potentially mitigate the discomfort and prevent any long-term damage, ensuring that your child can sleep peacefully and grow healthily without the burden of this condition.


You may be wondering how to know if your child is grinding their teeth. That’s a question lots of parents ask. Here are several ways you can tell if your child is experiencing bruxism:

  • Grinding sounds during the night

  • Soreness in the jaw or face

  • Pain when chewing

  • Headache starting in the temples

  • Teeth look worn and flattened

  • Sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures

At Hurst Pediatric Dentistry, we check to see if children are grinding their teeth by checking for chipped teeth, worn enamel, and teeth sensitivity. We also spray air or water on the teeth to check to see just how sensitive the teeth are.

We also ask your child specific questions to determine their level of stress as well as questions about their bedtime routines. From the examination and the answers to the questions, we determine what type of grinding your child is having.

Types of Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common condition characterized by the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth. It can occur during both wakefulness and sleep, with distinct characteristics and potential causes for each type.

There are two types of bruxism (teeth grinding): awake and sleep.

  1. Awake Bruxism (Diurnal Bruxism)

Awake bruxism is the term used to describe teeth grinding or jaw clenching that occurs while a person is conscious. Unlike sleep bruxism, it's often a more conscious behavior, although individuals may not be fully aware of it.

Awake Bruxism

Characteristics of Awake Bruxism

  • Clenching: This is the most common form of awake bruxism, where the jaw muscles are tightly contracted.

  • Grinding: Less frequent than clenching, grinding involves moving the upper and lower teeth together in a harsh, abrasive manner.

  • Daytime occurrence: As the name implies, it happens during waking hours.

  • Often associated with stress: Many people clench or grind their teeth when feeling anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed.

  • Less severe tooth damage: Compared to sleep bruxism, the damage to teeth is typically less pronounced.

Potential Causes of Awake Bruxism

  • Stress and anxiety: Emotional factors are primary triggers for awake bruxism.

  • Personality traits: Individuals with Type A personalities or those who are highly competitive may be more prone to clenching or grinding.

  • Habit: Some people develop a habit of clenching or grinding their teeth, even when not stressed.

  • Certain medications: Some drugs can contribute to jaw muscle tension and bruxism.

Symptoms of Awake Bruxism

  • Jaw pain and tenderness: This is the most common symptom.

  • Facial pain: Pain in the temples or cheeks.

  • Headaches: Tension-type headaches can be associated with jaw clenching.

  • Earaches: In some cases, ear pain may occur.

  • Muscle fatigue: Tiredness and soreness in the jaw muscles.

  • Difficulty opening the mouth: In severe cases, jaw stiffness may limit mouth opening.

Treatment for Awake Bruxism

  • Stress management: Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help reduce stress and jaw clenching.

  • Relaxation exercises: Targeted exercises for the jaw muscles can help relieve tension.

  • Biofeedback: This technique can help individuals become aware of jaw muscle tension and learn to relax them.

  • Dental appliances: In severe cases, a bite guard or splint may be recommended to protect teeth.

  • Medications: Muscle relaxants or pain relievers may be prescribed for short-term relief.

It's important to note that while awake bruxism can be uncomfortable and cause some dental damage, it's often less severe than sleep bruxism. Addressing underlying stress and practicing relaxation techniques are often effective in managing the condition.

Sleep Bruxism
  1. Sleep Bruxism (Nocturnal Bruxism)

Sleep bruxism is characterized by rhythmic grinding of the teeth during sleep. It's classified as a sleep-related movement disorder, often associated with other sleep disturbances like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome. This type of bruxism can cause significant damage to teeth, including:

  • Tooth wear: Grinding can gradually erode tooth enamel, leading to flattened or chipped teeth.

  • Jaw pain: The constant muscle tension can result in pain and stiffness in the jaw joint.

  • Headaches: Tension in the jaw muscles can contribute to headaches.

  • Earaches: In some cases, bruxism can cause ear pain.

Factors Contributing to Bruxism

While the exact causes of bruxism are not fully understood, several factors may contribute to its development:

  • Stress and anxiety: Emotional factors are often linked to both awake and sleep bruxism.

  • Malocclusion: Improper bite alignment can increase the likelihood of grinding.

  • Medications: Certain medications may have side effects that contribute to bruxism.

  • Sleep disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome can be associated with sleep bruxism.

  • Genetics: There may be a genetic predisposition to bruxism.

Treatment Options

Treatment for bruxism aims to alleviate symptoms, protect teeth, and address underlying causes. Common treatment options include:

  • Mouthguards: Custom-made mouthguards can protect teeth from the damage caused by grinding.

  • Stress management techniques: Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help reduce stress.

  • Medications: In some cases, muscle relaxants or medications for sleep disorders may be prescribed.

  • Dental adjustments: If misalignment is a contributing factor, dental procedures may be recommended.

  • Botox injections: In severe cases, Botox injections can temporarily relax the jaw muscles.

It's important to consult with a dentist or healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause of bruxism and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What Causes Teeth Grinding?

Although the exact cause of teeth grinding is unknown, scientists think it may be a combination of physical, genetic, and psychological issues.

Bruxism can be caused by a variety of things, such as stress, anxiety, and a variety of sleep disorders. When a child has stress or anxiety, grinding can be a coping mechanism to diffuse it. If a child has a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, bruxism will likely accompany it. 

Stress in children can be related to many factors including worrying about grades, taking tests, coping with a new teacher, or dealing with peer pressure in school. At home, kids can be affected by arguments with siblings and parents or by the introduction of a new family member, like a baby brother or sister.

Another cause of teeth grinding in children is incoming teeth. Your child may clench and grind their teeth to relieve aches and pains caused by the adult teeth pressing on the baby teeth.

According to Delta Dental, other causes can include reactions to medications, teeth misalignment, growing pains, and injuries. Pains from earaches tend to cause teeth grinding as well.

The personality your child has can affect whether they develop teeth grinding. Kids that are aggressive, hyperactive, or competitive are at increased risk for experiencing bruxism.

In addition, the Mayo Clinic states that certain disorders can increase the risk of developing teeth grinding such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder), ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), sleep apnea, epilepsy, and night terrors.

teeth grinding children

Effects of Teeth Grinding

A child grinding their teeth can lead to many serious issues that will affect them later on in life. 

One major issue that can arise is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This joint is responsible for connecting the lower jaw to the base of the skull. It allows for talking, chewing, and yawning. With TMD, the joint is worn down from overuse and can allow the bone to slip out of its socket. This may or may not be painful, but can cause problems later in life.

Not only does teeth grinding put your child at risk for developing TMD, but it can also physically damage your child’s teeth. Teeth grinding can wear down the enamel of teeth or cause chipping.

It can also increase tooth sensitivity and cause serious jaw, neck, and facial pain, including damage to the inside of the cheek. Teeth grinding can also cause headaches and earaches. While most cases are not this severe, it is something you should ask your dentist about at checkup time.

Treating Kids with Teeth Grinding

Children who grind their teeth often grow out of it once their permanent teeth come in. It is possible, though, for this habit to continue into adolescence. If this is the case, there are methods to treat it.

  • One method is the use of a mouth guard (or occlusal guard), which prevents the teeth grinding from doing additional damage to your child’s teeth.

  • If you think the cause of your child’s bruxism is stress or anxiety, sitting down with them and talking it out could help.

  • If a sleep disorder is the cause of teeth grinding, getting that disorder treated can help to ease the grinding.

Be aware that experts say you should NOT wake your child up if you hear them grinding in their sleep. Healthline says this can make the problem worsen.

Preventing Teeth Grinding

There isn’t really a way to prevent teeth grinding if it occurs, but there are some things you and your child can do to ease the symptoms.

  • Try not to let your child chew on things other than food because this will allow the jaw muscles to get used to grinding and clenching, which ups the chance of developing bruxism. This includes chewing gum.

  • At night, take a warm washcloth and relax your child’s muscles by placing it on their jaw muscles near the base of the ear.

  • Work with your child to massage their muscles and perform stretching exercises.

  • Avoid giving your child any caffeine before bedtime

  • Establish a nighttime routine to wind your child down and alleviate stress from the day. Consider including warm baths, reading to your child, or listening to relaxing music.

  • Eliminate computer and phone time at least 30 minutes before bedtime to allow your child time to wind down before sleeping.

Your child’s dental health is too important to be affected by pediatric bruxism. If you notice any of the above symptoms, Hurst Pediatric Dentistry will be there to help. If you want to learn more or make an appointment, contact us or call (205) 969-7454.

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